so excited to do my very first tutorial! I thought I'd start with something easy. Not only easy, but quick. Although I have a little bit of experience, this bad boy took me probably 20 minutes from start to finish! Enjoy!
First, you might want to print off a pattern. When I first came up with the idea to make these, I chose
this pattern. As you will see in the pictures, I decided to make mine a little bit bigger than the pattern`s measurements. The great thing is that you do have the flexiblility to make it any size that you want because it is such a basic shape. If you aren`t stuck on the shape or size of the pattern, there is
this one too!
What You`ll Need:
Scissors or rotary cutter
Pretty fabric (perfect way to use some scrap you have lying around!)
Elastic (.5 inches wide works great)
Sewing machine
1. Place your pattern on your fabric and pin into place.
* Note: If you don't have a printer around, the pattern says that it is approx. 7.5 inches long
2. Cut your pattern out.
* Note: As you can see, I've cut quite a bit more than the original pattern. I printed this pattern and after making a trial mask with it, I wasn't happy with the size. As I mentioned before, it is such a basic shape that you can make it as big as you'd like. Keep in mind that you have to stitch around these edges, so when you turn it inside out -- the mask will loose a little bit of it's size.
3. Right sides together.
My fabric hardly has a side that is "wrong" but there is a little bit of difference if you saw it in person.
4. Set one piece aside. This is where you attach the elastic that will go around your head. Pin the elastic into place.
As you can see, the elastic is hanging over each side just a little bit. I find this easier to work with, and makes it a little more secure.
5. Place the other side back over top of the elastic. Remember that it is right sides together still. Your elastic will now be enclosed inside the mask. Pin the sides together to keep it all in place.
6. Now it's time to sew! Slowly sew close to the edges of the mask (but not too close!) . This will help you to keep as much of the size of it that you can. If you sew too close to the edge, it won't stay together when you turn it right side out.
* Note: Keep a small opening at the top of the mask. This will allow you to grab the elastic inside the mask and pull it right side out. (See pic below)
7. Grab the elastic that you can see on the inside of the mask and carefully pull it, it will help you turn your mask right side out. Don't forget you have pins in there still! Remove those when you see them.
Use your finger to push out the edges. Your end result should look like this:
8. Fold in the edges of the hole that you left at the top of your mask. Putting a pin in it will help to keep it in place while you stitch around the outside.
9. Stitch around the outside of your mask, again close to the edge. This helps to neaten things up and adds a finishing look.
10. Flaunt your pretty new sleeping mask to its fullest potential! Or get those extra z's you may need ;)

I love these things. They are perfect for just about anyone, and take very little time, effort and fabric to make. They are perfect for using up that little bit of fabric you may have left over.
I hope this tutorial is helpful! If you have any questions or pictures you'd like to share, I'd love to see them!