That's right, I've been swallowed into a sea of lavender and flax seed. I can't complain though..at least it smells nice! These last few weeks have been crazy and I keep making myself a promise to blog more. So far, I haven't kept that promise. It's crazy that the summer is almost over...I have some great things coming out on the Shirley line for the fall..I'm anxious to get them out and in the open. It's hard for me to accept that a product is ACTUALLY done.
Between wandering off to Toronto and Bancroft for some R&R, I've been working hard on some new products and I can't wait to get them out for sale!

My handsome boy.. <3 p="">
"love what you've got and always remember what you had"
Summer time in the city..
Summertime in the country..
My new fabrics as yoga eye pillows all packaged up and off to a yoga studio in San Antonio!
And last...my new product. Little tiny baby leggings! Available in 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Stay tuned!