Thursday, May 3, 2012

Upcoming Shows and Events

Like it hasn't already been a busy few weeks, I've added things into the mix.  Right now, we are settling into the new place.  I hope to get sewing new pillows and curtains, I'll be sure to post those pictures whenever I get the chance to do it! I am doing my room in all vintage and repurposed products, along with some burlap pillows!  I can't wait.
I am itching to get sewing.  I don't even have my sewing machine here at my new house yet :( I have a whole room to work in.  Hoping that I can expand my business and create some more things.  I'm even hoping to do consulations for home decorating (curtains, pillows etc).  I have had a few orders for curtains, which is kind of exciting!   

I wanted to mention my upcoming shows!  First of all, I have a show on Sunday at the Edelwiess Tavern in Kitchener, from 11-4pm.  It sounds like it's going to be a good one! 60 + vendors, with all handmade items.  Just in time to pick up something unique for Mom! 

I have also discovered this new website! It is called Tophatter.  It is a virtual auction room where sellers post their stuff for other people to bid on! I have been spending a lot of time on it.  You can get some great deals -- especially on supplies.  I have recently posted my "women's poncho" and it will be up for bid Friday, May 4th at 9pm. You have to take a couple minutes to register, but it is totally worth it.  It's even cool to see how much items will go for.  The website is  Bidding for the poncho will start at $18.00 with $2 shipping within Canada and $5.00 shipping to the U.S. Even if I don't sell it -- it's a pretty good way to gain customers. 

And in a couple months I will also be at the Forbes Park Music Festival.  Not too much information on that one just yet, I do know it is July 7th from 10am - 10:30pm.  Quite the long day!

I just got my new fabric in.  Take a look at it:

Again, any custom order questions, please send me an email!!, or visit  Hope to see you in Kitchener, or at this auction this weekend!!

Hayley - HASinspiration

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