Thursday, February 14, 2013

Change of Plans

This week was crazy.
I'd like to start by thanking everyone for all the lovely birthday wishes.  I'm officially 24 years old...and yes OLD.  I only say that because I feel old.  That's what I tell my Chiropractor at least.  I don't know what the hell I do in my sleep, but I somehow managed to get a nice little neck injury.  Maybe it happened during that nightmare where I was running away and battling blue alien zombie things.  Thanks for that Walking Dead.
So my last post was about how excited I was to be taking some time off and heading to Niagara Falls to gamble my life away. However... I'm currently sitting in my computer chair, at home.  On Friday my man wanted to take me for dinner.  As us Canadians are aware, we got hit HARD with a lot of snow on Friday.  We slid right through a red on the way to dinner and got into a car accident :(  So that axed our dinner plans, and our plans to go away this week.  We are both okay, but I wouldn't say the car is!  I decided to still take my holidays,  which I am enjoying just a little bit too much.  I could get used to this...
This means that I couldn't go get all that amazing fabric I was going on about.  So, I hit up the local fabric store and found a couple of things I liked..

But I wasn't satisfied.  So I visited the trusty Etsy shop of SewFineFabric and like always, found exactly what I was looking for.
Unprinted Linen Home Decor Weight Fabric from Premier Prints - ONE YARD
I'm so excited to get started on some new things!  Hopefully my neck/head will heal up soon and I can really focus on getting stuff done.
Happy Valentine's Day! 
Here are some pics from my snowshoeing adventure.  Stay warm!!


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