Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Notfunday

HI! It's been awhile -- sorry about that.  I've been so busy and's ridiculous! It's Monday morning and I think by now, you all know how I feel about Monday mornings.  The second the alarm went off, I decided I would be taking a nap when I got off work today. It was pitch black (thanks time change..) and I blinded myself when I stabbed my eyeball with the mascara wand.  Next thing you know, I have black running down my face, I'm blind in one eye and I'm attempting to find the dress pants I neglected to wash this weekend.  Can we just fast forward to Tuesday morning? It always seems to go a little smoother.
We celebrated some birthdays on Saturday.  My body doesn't seem to recover quite as fast anymore.  This probably explains my morning and definately explains why I didn't do laundry yesterday.

Sometimes, you just have to let loose and skip laundry day.
So since Sunday was a major lazy day, I spent some quality time with my sewing machine.  I wanted to show you what I've been up to lately. I've been obsessed with bright colours.  Maybe it's the upcoming warmer weather.

They are all up for sale on my Etsy shop!  I don't know about you, but I LOVE the blue grey chevron makeup bag.  I might have to make one of those for myself.
Thanks for the continued views.  I'll be sure not to wait so long to write again!
Follow me on Instagram! I post daily sneak peeks of items and ideas.

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