Sunday, June 17, 2012


On a day like today, I'm not quite sure how to feel.

I thought I'd take some time to sit down and blog.  I seem to be having a rather overwhelming amount of success come my way in the past few months. I landed a great job, I moved out, I bought a car and I started doing exactly what I love to do. I have numerous people to thank for that.  There is one specific person I would like to dedicate my success too.  Considering what today is, I thought this seemed appropriate. 

Happy Father's Day, pops.  You are one missed man!! I dedicate all my new found happiness and success to you.  I know you would be proud of me.

So to all my friends, followers and to everyone else, I hope that you have an amazing Father's Day.  Don't take it for granted. For those of you that use music to express how you feel, check out this tune:

Oh, and Dad, thanks for this one:



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